Knit Democracy Together

a project by Eve Jacobs-Carnahan

Knit Democracy Together

It’s a collaborative art project combining knitting circles and discussion about the U.S. electoral system

We’re knitting a sculpture of a state capitol building. Several state capitols, in fact. The sculptures are symbols of community participation in democracy! Many people contributing their piece to a larger whole.

Along the way, we’re deepening our understanding of how the U.S. electoral system works.

Upcoming events:

I'm planning events for 2025 and will announce them soon. If you're interested in exploring how Knit Democracy Together might help your community better understand the electoral process, contact me at

Knitting Circles

with New Hampshire Humanities

We’ve been talking about mail-in ballots, how votes are counted, how the electoral college works. We’ve discussed why gerrymandering deprives voters of meaningful choice of candidates and discovered ways that elections can better represent all voices.

We held knitting circles in New Hampshire from February to April 2024. The completed knitted State House was exhibited at the NH State Library in June 2024. See photos and a video of my remarks explaining the project and the symbolism of the sculpture:

Learn about the topics we discussed in knitting circles by checking out the videos, podcasts, and written materials on the Resource page.

Knit Democracy Together maker circles:

• foster comaraderie

• craft pieces of a sculpture

• empower participants with knowledge

Group at table working on knitted sculpture

Not just for knitters! All makers are welcome. You can crochet, embroider, make cord, and more.

Knit Democracy Together knitting circles run about 90 minutes. These in-person gatherings are facilitated by artist and former election lawyer Eve Jacobs-Carnahan.

Learn how our electoral system works and how it is under threat. Gain confidence to respond to misinformation. Be inspired to take steps to protect democracy.

Get an introduction to knitting’s historical connection to social movements. See the project’s stunning first knitted state capitol sculpture.

Topics for the circles include:

  • methods of voting (mail, in-person, voting machines)
  • auditing elections
  • the electoral college
  • redistricting and gerrymandering
  • ranked choice voting & proportional representation

See how the Vermont sculpture was constructed. Learn what it symbolizes.

Portico detail, Vermont State House sculpture.

Vermont State House scupture made with blocks from circles held throughout Vermont

Susan assembling knitted sculpture of NY State Capitol.

New York State Capitol scupture made with Rochester Central Library

Barbara of Yarnify shop in Chicago organizing blocks.

Illinois State Capitol made by Windy City Knitting Guild and coordinated by yarnify!

Keep me up to date on the project!

News, knitting circle events, and insights on our electoral system.

You're in! So glad you are following the Knit Democracy Together project!