Attend a Knitting Circle
Knit Democracy Together Knitting Circles
Like the historic sewing circles where abolitionists and suffragists discussed the issues of the day, we’ll gather in modern day craftivist circles. While knitting a collaborative project, we’ll talk about democracy.
Not just for knitters. Knit, crochet, embellish, or make cord with yarn.
During the circle, you’ll connect with other civically-minded crafters. You will:
- gain a greater understanding of the U.S. electoral process
- build confidence to respond to misinformation
- be motivated to engage with voter protection groups to take action
And, of course, you can knit, crochet, or embellish building blocks for a collaborative sculpture during the circle!
Knitting circles with New Hampshire Humanities
At the six Knit Democracy Together knitting circles across New Hampshire in 2024, participants learned about mail-in ballots, how votes are counted, how the electoral college works. We discussed how gerrymandering deprives voters of meaningful choice of candidates and how partisan primaries can produce candidates at the extremes.
At all events, we made constituent pieces of a knitted / crocheted sculpture of the NH State House! If you missed those events, you can still deepen your knowledge of the electoral process by checking out these resources:
Upcoming events
Boston Public Library, Jamaica Plain Branch
April 3 & 24, 2025 6 p.m.
Knitting circle and electoral process presentation. Details coming soon.
Boston Public Library, Roslindale Branch
April 4 & 25, 2025 9:30 a.m.
Knitting circle and electoral process presentation. Details coming soon.
Previous knitting circles
Vermont Public Interest Research Group (April 2020)
Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village, Brownington VT (July 2020)
Vermont Humanities Conference (Sept. 2020)
Bennington Museum, Bennington VT (March 2021)
Windy City Knitting Guild, Chicago IL (May 2021)
Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County, Rochester NY (May 2021)
Kent Museum, Calais VT (Oct. 2021)
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Brattleboro VT (Nov. 2021)
Pierson Library, Shelburne VT (May 2022)
Latham Library, Thetford VT (Aug. 2022)
Converse Free Library, Lyme NH (Aug. 2022)
Howe Library, Hanover NH (Aug. 2022)
Sharon Academy, Sharon VT (Sept. 2022)
Lyme School, Lyme NH (Nov. 2022)
Moretown Memorial Library, Moretown VT (April 2023)
Warren Memorial Library, Warren VT (April 2023)
Joslin Library, Waitsfield VT (May 2023)
A Symbol of Representative Government
In the New Hampshire sessions, we’ll be making constituent building blocks for a sculpture of the NH State House. State capitol buildings symbolize representative government. The variety of building blocks symbolize the variety of people in our communities. They should all be represented in our legislative assemblies.
Here’s the Vermont version of the sculpture. It is adorned with knitted gloves symbolizing people who come together to create government. See how it came together and get inspired to build your state’s knitted capitol building!